Friday, May 21, 2010

Stargate Universe: Subversion

Interesting episode of SGU tonight. I'm glad that Rush was a central character in this episode. I really like his character. He's flawed, like everyone else on the ship, but in a rare, non-cliche way. Not every man spends years of his life trying to solve a problem, while his wife dies of an incurable illness, only to be bested by some punk kid playing a video game. Not only that, but Robert Carlyle is a fantastic actor. I've only seen him in a few things, but he is great. Definitely the best actor on the show.

Scarlett Johansson (you can't tell me TJ doesn't look a bit like her, plus they have the same last name) needs to get her act together though. I understand she's pregnant with a baby she didn't plan for, but Nicole Desjardins on Rama was in a much worse situation. Both women were stranded on an alien ship, with no way home. Two similar situations, two completely different outlooks.

Anyway, Jack and Daniel were the part of the episode that got me most excited. I'm a relatively late-commer to the Stargate universe (pun not intended), but I caught up as soon as I watched the film a couple years ago. Seeing Jack and Daniel bantering, even for two lines, brought a smile to my face. At times, SGU is so very different from SG-1 and SGA that I almost forget they take place in the same universe (I gotta stop saying that). Seeing Young in the same room with Daniel and Jack refreshed my memory.

Question though. Why is Daniel Jackson the one tailing Dr. Rush? I suppose his archeological background must be crucial for a tailing duty. Is there really nothing better for him to do?

Furthermore, why isn't Daniel Jackson regularly on Destiny translating stuff?

It was nice seeing Jack tonight though, even if RDA gained a bit of weight in his time off from acting. He deserves it though. Shame they're ruining his other famous role.

Who the hell is Telford again? It's been so long that I almost forgot about him. Somewhat weird bringing him back, although I guess it explains the attack on the Icarus base.

Clearly Young won't kill Telford. They already showed him not dead, plus they really can't kill off Robert Carlyle, the show's best actor. Well I suppose they could, but we all know they won't.

Decent episode of SGU, but I'm hoping the two part finale will answer some questions.

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