Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Lyricize this

I realized today that I really like when bands put lyrics in their album booklets. Artwork is cool too, but isn't the point of being in a band to make music? And isn't the point of writing lyrics so that people can hear them and interpret them? There are a lot of artists out there that aren't 100% clear when they're singing. That's fine, but sometimes I want to be able to understand what is being said. So, official lyrics are a big plus in my book.

Maybe I'm old fashioned. I also still love physical albums over digital downloads. But the inclusion of lyrics seems to be one extra thing a band can do to connect to their fans.

Chevelle, Breaking Benjamin, and blink-182, three of my favorite bands, always do this. I hope the new lostprophets album does that, too, since only Liberation Transmission has lyrics in the booklet.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Challenge!!

So here's the deal. Positive Chaos is offering up a challenge to all of our fans. Basically, all you have to do is take a picture. That's right, a picture. The picture requirements:

  • A stop sign. Or other traffic sign.
  • A sticker on said street sign.
  • You.
So take a picture of yourself, and a stop sign with a PC sticker on it. That's it. Here's a sample picture to the right.

But, you might ask, what's the prize? If you can send us a picture that meets these requirements, we'll ship you a brand new demo. The songs on the demo aren't finalized yet, but they'll include at least some previously unreleased songs. If I had to guess, I'd say probably Regret, new Sore, and maybe some other fun songs. Stay tuned.

Here's the best way to show us a picture. Join our mob, and then send it to us! To join, just text "positivechaos" to 66937 on your phone (without the quotes, of course). From there, follow the simple directions to join our mob. Then, all you have to do is take a picture of you with a stop sign and a sticker, then send it to positivechaos@mozes.com. You might not even have to join the mob to send the picture (but hey, what's it gonna hurt?) Alternately, you can also upload it to Photobucket or something, and send it to us through email, MySpace message, or even FaceBook. Give it a shot! Maybe the first challenge winner will get a SPECIAL prize...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Multimedia message

Old vs new...weird huh?

website, things

Few things we're kinda half-working on, even if no one knows but me.
  • I don't know what to call this, its kinda like a challenge. More details to come soon, but complete the challenge and you'll receive a free cd.
  • I'm thinking of redoing the website again. It seems like its completely changed every few months, but to be honest its really hard to update a flash site, and I just don't have the time to learn enough flash to make it easier. I'm thinking about doing a normal HTML site, though I haven't told anyone else yet haha.
Actually, I guess there's only two updates. Intro to Comm Theory sucks, btw.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I must really hate Economics...

...because I'm posting another one during class. God my eyes hurt. This class sucks.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Multimedia message

Brawl tourney. More to come

Update: So I lost. I lost to a freakin NESS. I could have beaten him, too. Meh, whatever.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wow its been over a year...

I completely forgot about this, haha. Alright so anyway, its now April 2008. We have an amazing show lined up less than a month away. Positive Chaos is hitting up the MAIN STAGE of the Webster Theater in May. That's right, May 12, we're opening for Finger Eleven on the main stage. Tickets are really cheap, just $15. Finger Eleven was supposed to play a few months back, but the show was postponed. Last time, we nearly sold out of tickets, so expect them to go fast; get them early.
In other news, I saw The Used last Friday night in Taxachusettes. It was an absolutely amazing show. They only played 12 songs, but I'm guessing it's because Bert had a node on his vocal chords last summer? I'm just glad he can still sing. So yeah, it was great, they even did a medley of The Taste of Ink, All That I've Got, and Buried Myself Alive. They put on a great show, but the best part was that their bassist, Jeph, had the exact same bass that I use. That was pretty freakin cool.
Another band I like was there, too. Army of Me, based in DC. I heard about them through Burnout Paradise. They're featured on the sound track. Anyway, they were very, very good too. The people I was with didn't seem to care much for them, but I thought they played very well. I actually found their YouTube channel last night, and it has this awesome video of their singer, Vince, playing guitar with a bunch of kids. Check it out here. Yeah, I know it seems to conform to a certain stereotype, but whatever, its still cool regardless.
I should probably get back to my Economics class, but this teacher speaks such poor Engrish that its extremely hard to understand what's going on. Sometimes it takes me a few days worth of thought to figure out what he's trying to say.
I like how off-topic this has gotten. Cool. Well I guess that's it for now, for the two or so people that end up reading this. Ideally we'd all post on here, its a really easy way to keep up with the band. I also just figured out you can email posts and pictures, so I'll probably try that out with my phone, to see how it goes. Could be cool.

I guess that's all for now. I'll see everyone at the show on May 12th.